Tools for processing and homogenization of large climatological datasets
Petr Stepanek
1989-1993: Grammar school, Vídeňská 47, Brno (specialization for programming)
1993-1998: Degree Master of Science: Faculty of Sciences, Mararyk University Brno, Physical Geography, specialization Climatology and Hydrology (thesis: Methods of air temperature and precipitation variation analysis on example of Brno, supervisor Prof. Rudolf Brazdil), graduated with distincion (dean’s award)
1998-2006: Degree Ph.D.: Faculty of Sciences, Mararyk University Brno, Climatology and Hydrology (dissertation: Air Temperature Fluctuations in the Czech Republic in the Period of Instrumental Measurements, supervisor Prof. Rudolf Brazdil)
1998-2001: assistant at the Department of Geography, Masaryk University Brno.
2003-2005: climatologist/agrometeorologist at the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), regional office Brno
since 2005: chief of department of meteorology and climatology at regional office Brno of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Research fields:
Climatological databases processing
Quality control, homogenization and filling missing values of time series
Creation of gridded datasets
Time and spatial analysis of climatological series
Extreme value analysis
Validation and correction of climate model results
Creation of software for time series quality control, homogenization and analysis (AnClim, ProClimDB, LoadData)
Selected projects:
Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Assessment (CECILIA) (6th FP EU, STREP, GOCE 037005, 2006-2009, coordinator T.Halenka, Charles University, Prague)
ENSEMBLE-based predictions of climate change and its impacts (ENSEMBLES) (6th FP EU, GOCE-CT-2003-505539, 2004-2009, coordinator D.Griggs, Meteorological Office, Bracknell, UK)
Advances in homogenisation methods of climate series: an integrated approach (HOME) (COST Action ES0601, 2007-2011, chair Oliver Mestre), leader of WP4
Cambio climatico y dynamica forestal en ecosistemas mediterraneos (Climatic variability and forest dynamics in ecotone ecosystems) (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain, CGL2005-04270, 2005-2010, coordinator Dr. Martín de Luis, Geography Department, University Zaragoza, Spain)
Estudio de la variabilidad espacial y temporal de las precipitaciones en la Comunidad Autónoma Aragonesa (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain, REN2002-01023-CLI, 2002-2005, coordinator José Carlos González Hidalgo, Geography Department, University Zaragoza, Spain)
Validace modelů statistického a dynamického downscalingu cílená na dopady (Impact-targeted validation of statistical and dynamical downscaling models) (GA ČR GA205/08/1619, 2008-2010, principal investigator Radan Huth)
Frekvenční analýza srážkových extrémů pomocí metody oblasti vlivu a nestacionárních rozdělení extrémních hodnot (Region of influence approach and non-stationary extreme value distributions in the frequency analysis of precipitation extremes) (GA AV ČR KJB300420601, 2006 – 2008, principal investigator Jan Kyselý)
Atlas podnebí a regionalizace výstupů modelů všeobecné cirkulace atmosféry pro potřeby území ČR (The Climate Atlas of the Czech Republic and Regionalization of the Global Climate Models Results Using Non-linear Methods) (MŽP SF/740/2/03, 2003 – 2005, principal investigator Taťána Míková)
Extreme weather events in the Czech Republic and their relationship to meso-α meteorological patterns (GA ČR P209/11/1990, 2011 – 2014, principal investigator Marek Kašpar)
Vliv klimatické variability a meteorologických extrémů na stabilitu rostlinné produkce v období 1801 až 2007 (Effect of the climate variability and meteorological extremes on the stability of crop production between 1801 and 2007) (GA ČR 521/08/1682, 2008 – 2010, principal investigator Miroslav Trnka)
Kolísání klimatu České republiky v období přístrojových pozorování na základě homogenních sekulárních řad (Climate fluctuations in the Czech Republic during the instrumental period based on homogeneous secular series) (GA ČR P209/10/0605, 2010-2012, principal investigator Rudolf Brázdil)
Víceúrovňová analýza městského a příměstského klimatu na příkladu středně velkých měst (Multilevel analysis of the urban and suburban climate taking medium-sized towns as an example) (GA ČR 205/09/1297, 2009 – 2012, principal investigator Petr Dobrovolný)
Zpřesnění dosavadních odhadů dopadů klimatické změny v sektorech vodního hospodářství, zemědělství a lesnictví a návrhy adaptačních opatření (Specification of existing estimates of climate change impacts in hydrology, water management, agriculture and forestry sectors and proposals for adaptation options) (MŽP SP/1A6/108/07, 2007-2011, principal investigator Jan Pretel)
Globální a regionální modelové simulace klimatu ve střední Evropě v 18.-20. století v porovnání s pozorovaným a rekonstruovaným klimatem (Global and regional climate model simulations in Central Europe in the 18th-20th centuries in comparison with observed and reconstructed climate) (GA ČR, P209/11/0956, 2011-2015, principal investigator Rudolf Brázdil)
Vývoj regionálního klimatického modelu pro velmi vysoké rozlišení (Development of the regional climate model for a very high resolution) (GA ČR, P209/11/2405, 2011-2014, principal investigator Radan Huth)
Selected publications:
Bauer, Z., Trnka, M., Bauerová, J., Možný, M., Štěpánek, P., Bartošová, L., Zalud, Z. (2009): Changing climate and the phenological response of Great Tit and Collared Flycatcher populations in floodplain forest ecosystems in Central Europe. Int J Biometeorol. DOI 10.1007/s00484-009-0259-7.
Brázdil, R., Štěpánek, P., Květoň, V. (2001): Temperature series of the Czech Republic and its relation to Northern Hemisphere temperatures in the period 1961-1999. In: Brunet India, M., López Bonillo, D., eds.: Detecting and Modelling Regional Climate Change. Springer, Berlin, s. 69-80.
Brázdil, R., Štěpánek, P., Květoň, V. (2000): Air Temperature Fluctuations in the Czech Republic in the Period 1961-1999. In: Reconstructions of Climate and its Modelling, Obrebska-Starkel, B., (eds.), IGUJ Krakow, 173-178. Domonkos, P., Štěpánek, P. (2009): Statistical characteristics of detectable inhomogeneities in observed meteorological time series. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 53, 239?-260
Farda, A., Štěpánek, P., Halenka, T., Skalák, P., Belda, M. (2007): Model ALADIN in climate mode forced with ERA40 reanalysis (coarse resolution experiment). Meteorologický časopis, 10, 123-130.
Gaál, L., Kyselý, J., Štěpánek, P. (2006): Region-of-influence approach to the frequency analysis of heavy k-day precipitation amounts. In: Bioclimatology and Water in the Land. Proc. Int. Bioclimatological Conference [CD-ROM], Strečno, Slovakia, 13 pp.
Hirschi M, Seneviratne SI, Alexandrov V, Boberg F, Boroneant C, Christensen OB, Formayer H, Orlowsky B, Stepanek P (2010): Observational evidence for soil-moisture impact on hot extremes in southeastern Europe. Nature Geoscience, 12 December 2010. doi:10.1038/ngeo1032
González Hidalgo J.C., Vicente, S.M., De Luis, M., Štěpánek, P., Cuadrat, J.M., Raventós, J., Sánchez Montahud, J.R. (2002): Reconstruccion de registros pluviales y creacion de una base de datos mensuales en la vertiente mediterránea espanola. En El agua y el clima (J.A. Guijarro, M. Grimalt, M. Laita y S. Alonso, Eds). Publicaciones de la Asociación Espanola de Climatología, Serie A, no 3, 219-228.
González Hidalgo, J.C., De Luís, M., Štěpánek, P., Raventós, J., Cuadrat, J.M. (2002): Reconstruccón, estabilidad y proceso de homogeneizado de series de precipitación en ambientes de elevada variabilidad pluvial. En La información climática como herramienta de gestión ambiental (J.M. Cuadrat, S.M. Vicente y M.A. Saz, Eds). AGE – Universidad de Zaragoza, 47-57.
Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J., C.,Lopez-Bustins, J.-A., Stepanek, P, Martin-Vide, J. and de Luis, M. (2009): Monthly precipitation trends on the Mediterranean fringe of the Iberian Peninsula during the second-half of the twentieth century (1951-2000). Int. J. Climatol. 29, 1415-1429.
Halásová, O., Gaál, L., Štěpánek, P. (2006). Extrémní srážky na Moravě a ve Slezsku v období přístrojového pozorování. In: Sborník XXI. sjezdu České geografické společnosti – Česká geografie v evropském prostoru, 30.8.-2.9.2006 České Budějovice, 1-6. [CD-ROM]
Kocmánková, E., Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Dobrovský, M., Štepánek, P., Semerádová, D., Balek, J., Skalák, P., Farda, A., Juroch, J. and Žalud Z. (2011): Estimating the impact of climate change on the occurrence of selected pests at a high spatial resolution: a novel approach. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 149, 185-195, doi:10.1017/S0021859610001140.
Kyselý, J., Beranová, R., Picek, J., Štěpánek, P. (2008): Simulation of summer temperature extremes over the Czech Republic in regional climate models. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol. 17, No. 5, 645-661.
De Luis, M., Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J. C., Longaresa, L. A., Stepanek, P. (2009): Seasonal precipitation trends in the Mediterranean Iberian Peninsula in second half of 20th century. Int. J. Climatol., 29, 1312-1323.
Mariano H. Masiokas, Ricardo Villalba , Brian H. Luckman , Marcelo E. Lascano , Silvia Delgado, Petr Stepanek (2008): 20th-century glacier recession and regional hydroclimatic changes in northwestern Patagonia. Global and Planetary Change, 60, 85-100.
Prosová, O., Štěpánek, P. (2006). Extrémní srážky a přívalové povodně v Bílých Karpatech. In: Venkovská krajina – sborník příspěvků, Slavičín a Hostětín, 12.-14.5.2006. Vydal ZO ČSOP Veronica, Brno. ISBN 80-239-716-2. 164-168.
Skalák, P., Štěpánek, P., Farda, A. (2008):Validation of ALADIN-Climate/CZ for present climate (1961-1990) over the Czech Republic. Időjárás, Vol. 112, No. 3-4, pp. 191-201.
Štěpánek, P. (2003): Homogeneización de las series de temperatura del aire en la República Checa durante el período instrumental (Homogenization of air temperature series in the Czech Republic during a period of instrumental measurements). Geographicalia, 43, 5-24.
Štěpánek, P. (2004): Homogenizace teploty vzduchu na území České republiky v období přístrojových pozorování. Práce a studie, 32. ČHMÚ – Praha, 56 s.
Štěpánek, P. (2004): Homogenization of air temperature series in the Czech Republic during a period of instrumental measurements. In: Fourth seminar for homogenization and quality control in climatological databases (Budapest, Hungary, 6-10 October 2003), WCDMP-No. 56. WMO, Genova. 117-133.
Štěpánek, P., Mikulová, K. (2008): Homogenization of air temperature and relative humidity monthly means of individual observation hours in the area of the Czech and Slovak Republic. In: Fifth seminar for homogenization and quality control in climatological databases. WCDMP. WMO, Geneva. (v tisku)
Štěpánek, P., Řezníčková, L., Brázdil, R. (2008): Homogenization of daily air pressure and temperature series for Brno (Czech Republic) in the period 1848-2005. In: Fifth seminar for homogenization and quality control in climatological databases. WCDMP. WMO, Geneva (v tisku).
Štěpánek, P., Skalák, P. and Farda, A. (2008): RCM ALADIN-Climate/CZ simulation of 2020-2050 climate over the Czech Republic. In: Rožnovský, J., Litschmann, T. (eds): Bioklimatologické aspekty hodnocení procesů v krajině (Mikulov 9. – 11.9.2008). CD-ROM. ISBN 978-80-86690-55-1
Štěpánek, P., Zahradníček, P. (2009): ): Zpracování minutových úhrnů srážek ze stanice Brno-Tuřany v letech 1948-2000. In: Fyzickogeografický sborník 7. Přírodovědecká fakulta MU, Brno, p 193-198
Štěpánek, P., Zahradníček, P., Brázdil, R., Tolasz, R. (2011): Methodology of quality control and homogenisation of time series in climatology (in Czech). Práce a studie (in press)
Štěpánek, P., Zahradníček, P., Huth, R. (2011): Interpolation techniques used for data quality control and calculation of technical series: an example of Central European daily time series. Idöjárás, 115, 1-2, pp. 87-98.
Štěpánek, P., Zahradníček, P. a Skalák, P. (2009): Data quality kontrol and homogenization of air temperature and precipitation series in the area of the Czech Republic in the period 1961-2007. Advances in Science and Research, 3, 23-26,
Trnka, M., Brázdil, R., Dubrovský, M., Semerádová, D., Štěpánek, P., Dobrovolný, P., Možný, M., Eitzinger, J., Málek, J., Formayer, H., Balek, J. a Žalud, Z. (2011): A 200-year climate record in Central Europe: implications for agriculture. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. sv. 31, no. 4, s. 634–641. ISSN 1774-0746.
Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Hlavinka, P., Dubrovský, M., Semerádová, D., Štěpánek, P., Thaler, S., Žalud, Z. Možný, M., Formayer, H. (2009): Climate-driven changes of production regions in Central Europe. Plant Soil Environ., 55, (6), pp 257-266
Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Dobrovský, M., Semerádová, D., Štepánek, P., Hlavinka, P., Balek, J., Skalák, P., Farda, A., Formayer and H., Žalud, Z. (2010): Is rainfed crop production in central Europe at risk? Using a regional climate model to produce high resolution agroclimatic information for decision makers. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 148, 639-656, doi:10.1017/S0021859610000638.
Venema, V. K. C., Mestre, O., Aguilar, E., Auer, I., Guijarro, J. A., Domonkos, P., Vertacnik, G., Szentimrey, T., Stepanek, P., Zahradnicek, P., Viarre, J., Müller-Westermeier, G., Lakatos, M., Williams, C. N., Menne, M. J., Lindau, R., Rasol, D., Rustemeier, E., Kolokythas, K., Marinova, T., Andresen, L., Acquaotta, F., Fratianni, S., Cheval, S., Klancar, M., Brunetti, M., Gruber, C., Prohom Duran, M., Likso, T., Esteban, P., and Brandsma, T. (2012): Benchmarking homogenization algorithms for monthly data, Clim. Past, 8, 89-115, doi:10.5194/cp-8-89-2012.
Vicente-Serrano, S.; Beguería, S.; Lopez-Moreno, J.I.; García-Verac, M.A.; Stepanek, P. (2010): A complete daily precipitation database for northeast Spain: reconstruction, quality control, and homogeneity, Int. J. Climatol., 30, 1146-1163.
Vizi, L., Hlásný, T., Farda, A., Štěpánek, P., Skalák, P. and Sitková, Z. (2011): Geostatistical modeling of high resolution climate change scenario data. Idöjárás 115, 71-85.